How to edit Keywords in Lightroom & Toolbar

Often keywords need adjusting as the clinic changes, or as duplicates or spelling errors come about.

Exporting :

  1. Open Lightroom

  2. Click Metadata > Export Keywords from the top menu

  3. Select a destination on the computer for the .txt file

  4. Edit the text file for any adjustments you wish to make, save as a .txt file in the same place.

Importing : Pre-Toolbar

  1. Go back to Lightroom and go Metadata > Import Keywords

Importing : Toolbar :

If you want to lock the keywords so no one can change them

  1. File > Plug-in Manager

  2. LR Toolbar

  3. Keyword settings

  4. Use specific keyword list’ - select the file you just edited.

  5. Click save

  6. Reboot Lightroom

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