Upgrading your clinical photography camera

All new installation from December 2022 come with a new standard DSLR - the Canon R10

These new models are a massive jump in feature set, at more competitive prices than previous DSLR.

With everything we install, we look for the most useful features for clinicians.

Canon R10 features :

  1. Lock feature - means the settings cannot change under any circumstances and the images always look the same

  2. Higher Resolution - 33mpx

  3. Live View shooting - Using the back screen for shooting ( Like an iPhone ) which is much easier than using the Viewfinder. Includes a Grid View for marking correct distance and spirit level

  4. Faster USB-C port- Larger USB cable port that is x10 speed

  5. User Programable setting - Save camera profiles for multiple rooms

  6. 300g Lighter body

Your old Nikon or Canon can still be used as backup, or a mobile camera for when you’re on the go between clinics.

For orders or upgrades contact darcie@clinicalimaging.com.au


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Toolbar & Software updated October 2022